What a week...what a bad week. I don't know what happened. After the post-wedding eating frenzy last Sunday, I did get back on track and stayed there for all of 3 days. I'm not sure what happened. Maybe all the compliments at the wedding and the nice pictures and my nifty before & progress pictures went to my head? Getting too big for your britches is not a good place to be when trying to lose weight. After all, my britches are supposed to be getting too big for me. Maybe I started to get a little complacent, too comfortable. Or maybe it was just the impending hurricane. Something about low pressure systems make me stock up on junk food and wine and eat/drink whatever I want. Whether it's a blizzard or a hurricane, when the barometer starts to fall so does my willpower.
Anyway, enough analyzing what did and did not happen last week, and on to what I am going to do about it. First, I did not weigh in this morning. Obviously, My Thurs-Sun eating frenzy impacted the scale in a negative way. I am not in denial; I just don't need the scale to tell me what I already know. Second, I started back on plan this morning.
Finally, on Thursday September 1st, I am starting a new personal challenge. I will call it my 30-DAY OPENS challenge. That stands for 30-days On Plan, Exercising and....No Scale. NO SCALE!!! That's right, I am going to weigh myself on Sept 1, and I will not do so again until Sept 30. This may be the hardest part of the challenge for me. But, I have an unhealthy relationship with the scale. I use it to reward and punish myself. Everybody is different. My blogging friend Patra from The Red Dress Report will probably keel over dead when she reads this as she is a committed daily weigher. On the other hand, fellow blogger, Dawn over at A New Dawn for Me hasn't weighed herself AT ALL, NOT ONCE as she has shed 6 pant sizes. I really admire her for that.
If I am staying on plan and doing the Couch to 5K program 3x per week, I will be able to measure my success based on my commitment to those goals and how I feel. And, if I am doing those things, I think I will be feeling pretty good. The other thing is that many people who do Medifast find that their weight loss slows down when they start exercising regularly, and I don't want that to discourage me. After all, the ultimate goal of all of this is to become a healthy person with a healthy lifestyle, which obviously needs to involve exercise.
I will check in again after my weigh-in on September 1st as I commence my OPENS challenge.
I'd love to hear about your relationship with the scale. Are you a daily weigher? Weekly? Monthly? Never?