Saturday, June 11, 2011

I'm too sexy for those (plain) earrings

One of the ways that I know I am feeling better about myself is...

I'm wearing accessories. Different accessories. Almost daily. This may not sound like a big deal, but if you know me, you know that except for when I "dress up," my accessories generally consist of small diamond stud earrings (that I wear 24/7), my wedding rings, and a sports watch. The thing is, I do like accessories and I have many of them, but I just never really felt like taking the time to pick out jewelry that matched my outfit. Really what difference did it make? A great necklace wasn't going to make me look 10 lbs thinner. Strange mentality, I know, but that's the way it was. Now, almost every day, especially work days, I take the time to pick out accessories that match my outfit. I like doing it. I like how it looks. It feels good.

My next piece. Too much?

What do you do differently when you are feeling good about yourself?


  1. You are hilarious!

    I put on perfume, colored lip gloss and sometimes wear that "thing" -- skinny jeans, or boots, or funky shirt -- that I don't feel like wearing on a day I am just feeling "blah."

  2. Fan of diamond studs myself...

