Monday, February 28, 2011

BLAHB Humbug!

I am in a serious rut. I have spent the past two weeks gaining and losing the same 3 lbs (plus a couple more one time). I spent last week getting back down to my max 21 lb weight loss only to gain 3 lbs this weekend. I'll admit, I'm in a funk. I just can't figure out if the funk has resulted in my less than stellar motivation, or vice versa. At any rate, I need to regroup. There are two weeks until my birthday, which will include a family trip to the beach for the weekend. There are 12 days until we leave for the weekend. Between now and then, my goal is recommit myself to being healthy. And, let's not fool ourselves, I will not be satisfied if I avoid the evils of white flour but don't lose any weight. So, in terms of weight loss, my goal is to lose the 3 lbs I put on this weekend (AGAIN) and five more. Here are the concrete steps I am going to take to do this:

1) Exercise 11 out of the next 12 days.
2) No carry out.
3) No alcohol.
4) Less sodium.
5) Healthy food choices within my calorie range.

I also need to try to get out of this funk.

I started reading the "Normal" Eating book last night. I only read about 10 pages, but I have marked a couple of thoughts that I will share with you all later. I can definitely say that as I was reading, I often found myself thinking, "Yep, that's me." and "I do that." I like the author's writing style, but I'm not sure I can trust someone whose struggle with weight involved gaining and losing the same 20 lbs over the years. You call that a weight problem; I can do that in a matter of days. ;-)

Here's to a healthy week!

Total weight loss in 8 weeks: 18 lbs.

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